Your Call

This week, instead of you reading what we think, we want to read what you think. Regular readers will know that we recently launched our Private Business Commission to investigate why some companies don’t maximise their growth potential within the UK. We aren’t saying the UK isn’t an incredible place to start and grow a business – it clearly is. We’re just saying things could always be better. On 23 April, the Commission’s call for evidence closes, so now is the time to reply.

The call for evidence asks no fewer than 27 questions across four policy areas – access to funding, tax incentives, employee incentives and the state of our capital markets – but don’t let that put you off. We don’t expect you to reply to them all – just those where you have something substantive to add. Perhaps you have experience of applying for government grants and know how that could be improved. Or maybe you have some insights about how the Enterprise Investment Scheme or Venture Capital Trusts could be improved. You might have some experience of employee incentives and ownership schemes in other countries that the UK could learn from. Whatever it might be, we’re keen to listen. 

Responses to the call for evidence won’t just inform our own thinking, but will also be directly quoted – anonymously, or not, if you’re happy to – in the text of the report which the Private Business Commission is ultimately working towards.

I should also stress that while we obviously want to hear from entrepreneurs, we’re also interested in what anyone with something in the entrepreneurial ecosystem has to say too. Maybe you’re a business consultant who has experience supporting scaleups, an accountant with knowledge of how the tax system could be improved, a lawyer with unique insights on how a piece of legislation should be tweaked, a marketing expert who has something to say about how the UK can better position itself internationally, or an investor who has views on where the funding gaps are. 

I could go on, but as promised at the top of the newsletter, this week is about us hearing from you, not the other way around – and I don’t want to distract you from responding to the consultation

Engineering Biology

Welcome back. Now that you have responded to that one, Ralph Lucas – or ‘Ralph Matthew Palmer, 12th Baron Lucas and 8th Lord Dingwall’ to his friends – has asked us to share the Science and Technology Committee’s call for evidence on engineering biology. The opening question might be of particular interest to a few of you: “Are there innovative companies, start-ups, or spin-outs that you think are of particular promise or significance using engineering biology in the UK today?” You can respond here.

Further Thoughts

While universities are a great source of entrepreneurs, so too are our Further Education colleges. And like our universities – see our report on spinouts – we think there’s room for improvement. 

That’s why we’re hosting a virtual meeting on this topic with Gatsby. We know we need to work with the world as it is, and appreciate FE staff time and freedom to take the initiative is often limited. The event is on Monday, 29 April from 11:30am – 1:00pm. Drop us an email to register your interest.

Be Our Host

Currently, the largest events we tend to do are on the Terrace of the House of Lords, where we can squeeze in around 150 people. However, we need space for closer to 250 – perhaps more if you have room – for an upcoming event with the nation’s most ambitious founders. Drop me a message if you can host, or know someone who might.