Join Us

The Entrepreneurs Network is growing. Over the last year we have substantially increased our network to well in excess of 10,000 entrepreneurs. Through the media, research, the APPG for Entrepreneurship, consultations, evidence to committees and events, our small, hard-working team has an impact on public and political debates and increasingly influences government policy. Also, through a growing number of programmes, we support entrepreneurs in their efforts to start, run and grow a business.

The Entrepreneurs Network doesn't take government funding. Instead, we rely upon individuals and companies that share our goal of making Britain the best place in the world to start and grow a business.

Due to increasing demand at our events and a growing capacity to support entrepreneurs and experts, we are now creating an annual membership of £50.

The key benefits of membership are:

  • Free, priority invitations to our popular events;
  • Regular press opportunities from journalists to help promote you, your expertise or your business;
  • Monthly updates explaining changes to legislation, as well as established government schemes designed to support entrepreneurs.

We are giving one year's free membership to anyone signing up to attend  Scale Up Britain – our biggest and best event – on 12th June in Liverpool (£50). This also gives you access to the whole 12-day festival.

Become a member here

Anyone further along in their business journey may wish to enquire about becoming an Adviser. And feel free to drop me message if you have any questions. 

You can read the full e-bulletin here and sign up here